A dozen reparation bills await Newsom. Is he putting off his day of reckoning?
Published on 11/15/2023

In 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom announced a task force to address slavery reparations, but has remained distant on the subject, more recently attending international meetings and appearing on media rather than discussing the issue with the California Legislative Black Caucus. With the reparations report released over four months ago, the caucus is developing a significant legislative plan and hopes for Newsom's support. Their approach includes property ownership over cash payments, emphasizing planning over immediate monetary compensation. While success requires the support of both legislative houses and the governor, unity in the Black Caucus is aiming to mitigate conflict and address long-standing racial injustices. The urgency to actively pursue reparations is potent, reflecting on the state's historical role in slavery and the imperative to rectify legacies of discrimination, embodying a serious moral and policy challenge for Newsom's administration. This opinion reflects the collective stance of several California news outlets.

Read more at: https://www.sacbee.com/opinion/article281813488.html#storylink=cpy

